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A radical legacy campaign

An asset from Shelter's legacy campaign

Shelter have a big vision: to end the housing emergency, once and for all. They’re relying hugely on future legacy income to do it – and that’s why they came to us.

We needed to create Shelter a legacy proposition that inspired existing and new supporters alike to invest in their big vision.

As well as being a compelling reason to give, the proposition needed to stand the test of time, having enough flex to last for several years, across numerous campaigns.

Three years on, off the back of another target-smashing campaign, it’s safe to say we delivered.

what we did
  • Strategy
  • Legacy proposition
  • Direct mail
  • Digital
  • Press
  • Shop collateral

Our work started with strategy, uncovering some powerful attitudes in our audience. These included a powerful belief that it’s still possible to create a fairer society, as well as a marked lack of trust in the Government to solve the housing crisis themselves.

This led to our proposition: Give People Change, which won hands-down in testing.

Give People Change taps into the feeling of helplessness people feel when they see those sleeping rough, or when they contemplate the number of families in unsafe, precarious housing. It takes that feeling – and pivots towards determination.

An asset from Shelter's legacy campaign.
  • 50:1 return on investment in year 1
  • 3.5 million impressions in latest campaign
  • £1 million in predicted future income from January 2023

Over 3 years, we’ve adapted the proposition through a range of campaigns across paid social, Shelter shops, press ads and direct mail – and the numbers speak for themselves.

The first campaign with the new proposition, in 2020, raised more than a million pounds in predicted future gifts, with an ROI of 50:1.

And our work is still flying. Our latest digital campaign racked up 3.5 million impressions – with a clickthrough rate of 6.27% on Google ads. In January alone, it raised almost a million more predicted future income.


  • +£1m total appeal income
  • 179 % of email fundraising target hit
  • +29 % increase in brand impressions year-on-year
  • 170% more leads than target
  • -63% CPA nearly two thirds less than target
  • 65% more page sessions than in 2022
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